
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nola's 1st month

Today Nola is 1 month old!  I know every parent says this, but I feel like just the other day she was making her arrival. I posted a few pictures below that we took during her first month to show the many faces of Nola.

Nola loves to go on walks in her stroller and go for long rides in the car. She prefers to be held, but she likes to chill in her baby carrier when I am doing house work. She also loves to make noises especially when she is sleeping. Many times she will scare herself when she is half way asleep and she lets out a whine or coo. Not to mention her extreme gas and burps!

Funny story. So this morning I was changing her like I normally do when we wake up in the morning. This morning she decided to pee while I was in between diapers which is not out of the ordinary for her. This time though she decided to let out her "golden shower" while I had her legs lifted in the air at a 90 degree angle. Where did her golden shower go you might ask? Right into her mouth! Yup great way to start out her 1st month birthday!

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