
Monday, March 31, 2014

Losing the baby weight: Week 2-3

I got a little busy last week to report my progress from last of my last post I have lost 4 pounds!  Every little bit counts, but I was so used to dropping weight very quickly right after delivery that it is frustrating to come off so slowly.  I wanted to share a few tips for everyone who is wanting to lose some extra weight...most tips are general for everyone (one for the new mothers and/or mama to be).

1. Breastfeed: Honestly it really helps your uterus contract back to it's normal size.  Also, studies show that for women who exclusively breastfeed that you can burn up to 500 calories a day. That is like a workout everyday!

2. Increase walking:  I finally got the go ahead from my doctor last week that I can now start my normal workouts. Speaking of which, I did leg day today for the first time in who knows how long.  Let me just say that I really think I am going to collapse every time I walk up or down the stairs. But, I still plan on trying to walk each day (weather permitting). My husband and I live about a mile or so down the road from the closest Starbucks.  As you can tell I am pretty coffee crazy, so we have started a routine that if we are wanting coffee then we will pack Nola into her stroller and walk the mile to Starbucks, enjoy our coffee and then walk back. Exercise, coffee and husband/wife time...sounds like a win to me.

Our trip to Starbucks and back.

3. Eliminate all fluids except water:  I know every weight loss article tells you this but it is one of the easiest ways to eliminate calories everyday.  Now everyone who knows me knows that I used to consume more coffee a day than I did water.  Was it the healthiest option?  Probably not. I have tried to increase my water intake and keep my coffee indulgence to once a day (sometimes two...hey I have a newborn!). During my pregnancy I craved orange juice morning, noon and night but one big glass of orange juice can add on 200 calories so I had to eliminate it. Instead of drinking the juice you are craving (grape, apple, orange) try eating the actual fruit instead!

4. Reduce sweets:  Since Nola has been born I have been craving sweets like it's nobody's business.  I really think I have more craving post delivery than I did while pregnant. Not really sure what that is about. I have started to try and keep more healthier options around for when my sweet tooth starts to act up.  The other night I made a box of fat free chocolate pudding with skim milk.  I split the box into different containers for portions and stuck it in the fridge. I plan on making some protein balls made with oatmeal and peanut butter...I will post the recipe if it is a success!

5. Prepare your food: For all those working or going to school you know that not preparing your lunch/dinner can easily lead to deciding on something quick and easy to eat which most of the time leads to you eating something unhealthy. I started preparing my meals for the week.  For instance each morning I have a pretty basic routine for breakfast.  I will cook an egg white omelet with either turkey bacon or a slice of toast with peanut butter (yummy protein). I had to cut out the pancakes and save those for my cheat days. I started preparing my lunches days in advance because I found that is when I would eat the most unhealthy. Nola's routine has her waking up around lunch which means this mama eats whatever is most convenient.  If I don't have a meal already cooked and sitting in the fridge that can be heated up and I typically go for something that is unhealthy because its the easiest to eat quickly.  Below are pictures of a typical lunch that I just heat up in the microwave.  Planning in advance can really save money and calories!

To throw in a little bit of my money saving ways I wanted to break down how much money can be saved by preparing your own meals. Each item below I got on sale either by markdowns and/or with coupons.

Broccoli: .75 cents
Chicken: $4.69 for the package (with 1 chicken breast left over)
Rice: FREE!

Total: $5.44 or $1.36 per meal.  The dollar menu can't even beat that!

Now I will go back to figuring out how I am going to manage to get up these stairs to go to bed with my jello legs...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weekly grocery shopping: $215.11 worth of groceries for $17.35!

So this week Harris Teeter is running Super Doubles until next Tuesday!  I really look forward to these events because you can get so many items for rock bottom prices!  Generally Harris Teeter will double coupons below .99 cents. For example, a .50 cent coupon will double to a $1.00 value. During the Super Double event they will double any coupon $2.00 and under ($2.00 coupon doubles to a $4.00 value). I made two trips so far and will probably make a few more before the sale week is over. In the picture I combined both shopping trips together and I will post the pictures of my additional trips this week as well.

On both trips there were errors made which made my total higher than it should have been. The first trip a $2.00 coupon was not scanned which made my total $4.00 higher than it should have been.  I did not realize this till I got home and did not feel like going back to have it corrected.  On my first trip to Harris Teeter (picture below) I should have paid $0.00 (technically I would have had a credit) because I had overage to cover my taxes....oh well I will gladly pay $3 for over $100 worth of products!

On the second trip, the electronic coupons (ZVR/E-vic coupons) were not deducting off for the products.  I went to customer service after paying $21.31 for my second trip because I had $7.50 worth of electronic coupons that did not come off my total.  Customer service kindly refunded me back $7.50 in cash.  I didn't post a picture of the second receipt because it was not accurate due to the error.

Velveeta Skillet dinner - Original price: $3.49
Paid: FREE!

Hershey's spreads - Original price: $4.39
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Frank's Red Hot chili sauce - Original price: $3.49
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Fisher Pecans - Original price: $3.99
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Right Guard deodorant - Original price: $4.59
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Suave lotion - Original price: $3.49
Paid: FREE!

Suave Moroccan lotion - Original price: $4.99
Paid: FREE!

Venus Razor - Original price: 7.99
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

L'oreal Shampoo - Original price: 4.99
Paid: FREE!

Suave Shampoo - Original price: $3.99
Paid: FREE!

Axe Shampoo - Original price: $6.39
Paid: FREE!

Vaseline spray and go lotion - Original price: $7.99
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

Benecol butter - Original price: $3.99
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

Tresemme shampoo/conditioner - Original price: $5.49
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Tresemme hair spray - Original price: $5.49
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Colgate toothpaste - Original price: $2.49
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

Vidal Sasson hair mousse - Original price: $4.69
Paid: FREE!

Tums Antacids - Original price: $3.39
Paid: FREE!

Ragu pasta sauce - Original price: $2.49
Paid: .20 cents each (5 total)

Tampax pearl tampons - Original price: $5.19
Paid: .49 cents each

Lance Bold crackers - Original price: $2.99
Paid: .50 cents each (2 total)

Quaker Big Chewy cars - Original price: $2.79 each
Paid: .79 cents each (3 total)

Axe styling - Original price: $7.99
Paid: $1.99 each

Wisk laundry detergent - Original price: $6.99
Paid: $2.00 each

Total paid: $17.35

Total saved: $197.76


 Nola helping me cut coupons :)

Happy couponing to everyone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Weekly grocery shopping: $104 worth of groceries for $27(plus more)!

This week I spent my weekly grocery budget at Harris Teeter, Target and Aldi. I spent a total of $51.10 and saved a total of $118.43!  Below is the break down of all items at their original price and then the price I paid for each item. 


Harris Teeter:


Mahatma rice - Original price $.99
Paid: FREE! (3 total)

Mueller pasta - Original price $1.85
Paid: FREE!

Pioneer gravy - Original price $1.29
Paid: .09 cents each (6 total)

Tampax tampons - Original price $5.29
Paid: .49 cents each

Vidal Sasson hair mousse - Original price $4.69
Paid: .49 cents each

Land O' Frost lunch meat - Original price $3.99
Paid: .50 cents each (2 total)

Purex laundry detergent - Original price $6.89
Paid: .69 cents each (2 total) - AWESOME DEAL! 

Bertolli pasta sauce - Original price $2.99
Paid: .75 cents each (6 total)

Fisher trail mix - Original price $1.99
Paid: .75 cents each (4 total)

Ban deodorant - Original price $2.99
Paid: .89 cents each

Ritz crackers - Original price $3.85
Paid: .92 cents each (2 total)

Harris teeter bread crumbs - Original price $.97

HT eggs - Original price $2.15
Paid: .99 cents each

HT hot dog buns - Original price $1.19

Starbucks coffee - Original price $8.95
Paid: $3.97 each (2 total)

Total spent: $27.58

Saved: $77.39


For all you target shoppers I want to offer one word of advice to save money. Always check the end of the aisles for clearance!  I can't tell you how many deals I have got at Target that were marked down on clearance that I paired with a coupon.  The best deals are generally at the end of the personal product aisles (oral care, hair care, pharmacy, etc...).

Dove Men soap - Original price $6.89
Clearance price: $2.44 each
Paid: .44 cents each

Frosted mini wheats - Original price $3.14
Paid: . 87 cents each (2 total)

Market Pantry frozen vegetables - Original price $1.25
Paid: .75 cents each (8 total)

Got2B volume hair mousse - Original price $5.99
Clearance price: $2.98 each
Paid: .98 cents each (4 total)

Clariol hair color - Original price $5.99
Clearance price: $2.98 each
Paid: .98 cents each

Total spent: $12.08

Saved: $41.04



Strawberries - $1.19 (2 total)
Blackberries - $1.19
Cantaloupe - $1.39 (2 total)
Gala apples - $2.78
Grapes - $2.38

Total spent: $11.44

Happy couponing!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Losing the baby weight

So the time has come to drop the "baby weight" that has made it's home on my hips, belly, legs and just about every where else. For the mamas out there you know the last thing us ladies want to do while carrying around another human during the third trimester is put on sneakers and climb on a treadmill. That is if your sneakers even fit, which mine barely did over my swollen ankles. Thankfully all my shoes fit now because for the last few weeks of pregnancy I was limited to ugg boots and bedroom shoes (not lying)! 

The first few weeks after delivery the weight dropped pretty quickly. I contribute that to being so busy and exhausted to eat the first 2 weeks, breastfeeding and all the water weight that goes away pretty quickly. So far I have lost 20+ pounds. That may sound like a lot but I still have away to go before hitting my goal weight. Not to go into specifics but I gained the upper part of the "healthy weight gain" during pregnancy, but I wasn't at my best prior to pregnancy so I have a little bit more than baby weight to lose. 

For those out there that aren't aware, basically the only thing new mamas can do during the first 6 weeks after delivery is light walking and a little bit of weights. So I still have a little less than 2 weeks before I can start a "normal" work out plan, but I have started to clean up my eating from all the pregnancy cravings. 

I'm going to start a weekly post to keep myself motivated to be able to lose an extra 20 pounds (so a total of 40) and track my progress each week. The pictures below are me prior to pregnancy (1 month before), during pregnancy and now (last week).

 Disclaimer: Excuse the "before" photo, it was the last full body picture I took prior to pregnancy. 
I was trying on new pants....that now I am trying to get back into. The irony.

All positive and encouraging words are welcomed during this journey! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nola's 1st month

Today Nola is 1 month old!  I know every parent says this, but I feel like just the other day she was making her arrival. I posted a few pictures below that we took during her first month to show the many faces of Nola.

Nola loves to go on walks in her stroller and go for long rides in the car. She prefers to be held, but she likes to chill in her baby carrier when I am doing house work. She also loves to make noises especially when she is sleeping. Many times she will scare herself when she is half way asleep and she lets out a whine or coo. Not to mention her extreme gas and burps!

Funny story. So this morning I was changing her like I normally do when we wake up in the morning. This morning she decided to pee while I was in between diapers which is not out of the ordinary for her. This time though she decided to let out her "golden shower" while I had her legs lifted in the air at a 90 degree angle. Where did her golden shower go you might ask? Right into her mouth! Yup great way to start out her 1st month birthday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Weekly grocery shopping: $124 worth of groceries for $30!

Each week I make at least one couponing trip to Harris Teeter and other stores. Our household has a monthly grocery budget of $200 for the entire month. That includes food, toiletries, and household products for our entire family. Sounds a little crazy right? I used to think the same thing before I started couponing. 

I started couponing after graduating college and have been going ever since! I have had a lot of people ask about my hobby so I figured I would share my weekly trips with you all to motivate every one to save money on everyday essentials. There are certain items that I will never pay for again! I never pay for things like shaving cream, toothpaste, condiments, shampoo, air freshener, etc... The list of items that I will never pay over $1.00 for would be endless to list!

My grocery trip this week was at Harris Teeter. I spent $30.77 for $124.77 worth of products! I have broken down each item with the original price and the price I paid for each item. 

Fiber one fruit snacks - Original price: $3.19 each
Paid: .42 cents each (2 total)

Quaker granola bars - Original price: $2.79 each
Paid: .89 cents each (4 total)

Angel soft tissue - Original price: $1.89 each
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

Snickers peanut butter bar - Original price: $1.19 each
Paid: FREE! (2 total)

Maruchan bowl & noodles - Original price: $1.19 each
Paid: .09 cents each (12 total)

Jello pudding - Original price: $1.19 each
Paid: .41 cents each (3 total)

Ban deodorant - Original price: $2.99 each
Paid: .89 cents each (3 total)

Suave lotion - Original price: $3.49 each
Paid: FREE!

Almay lip balm - Original price: $5.99 each
Paid: .99 cents each (2 total)

Turkey sausage - Original price: $4.99 each
Paid: $1.49 each (2 total)

Turkey meatloaf dinner - Original price:  $9.99 each
Paid: $1.99 each (2 total)

Thomas bagels - Original price: $3.89
Paid: .84 cents each

Harris teeter shredded cheese - Original price: $3.00
Paid: $1.20 each (5 total)

Oscar Mayer hot dogs - Original price: $3.99
Paid: $1.39 each (2 total)

My husband helping to add to the stockpile!

I hope this motivates you all to be able to save money on things you buy all the time! Feel free to ask questions!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Back into society

As my first blog post I figured I should give some back ground information for everyone. On February 13 at 5:23 in the afternoon, our beautiful daughter made her arrival into our lives. She came right in the middle of the biggest snow storm in years.  We guess she wanted to make sure that she made a memorable arrival!

Rewind back 9 months before to when we found out we were expecting our little snow bunny. We came home from a weekend at the beach and I had that “feeling” that something was different. I woke up on Monday morning before work and decided to take the test that will forever change your life. I sat there shaking for the longest 2-3 minutes of my life waiting to see if my “hunch” was correct or not. As it showed “pregnant” I ran into the room to wake my sleeping husband to let him know. You want to know what his first words were?  “Let me try and pee on the stick”. Yup. That is exactly what he said. 

Now our daughter is almost 1 month old and I am slowly getting back into society. I felt like I have been going a little stir crazy staying in the house! When you have a newborn and you are running off 3 hours of sleep you can go days without realizing that you have been in your pajamas the whole time. I have begun forcing myself to finally get in a routine and take some time out of the days for me (like blogging!). 

 Nola heading out to do some shopping.

I feel like I have slowly started to become a citizen of society again!  Bring back on the date nights, girl’s nights, coffee shops, couponing and weekly Target runs…all in moderation of course ;)