
Monday, March 31, 2014

Losing the baby weight: Week 2-3

I got a little busy last week to report my progress from last of my last post I have lost 4 pounds!  Every little bit counts, but I was so used to dropping weight very quickly right after delivery that it is frustrating to come off so slowly.  I wanted to share a few tips for everyone who is wanting to lose some extra weight...most tips are general for everyone (one for the new mothers and/or mama to be).

1. Breastfeed: Honestly it really helps your uterus contract back to it's normal size.  Also, studies show that for women who exclusively breastfeed that you can burn up to 500 calories a day. That is like a workout everyday!

2. Increase walking:  I finally got the go ahead from my doctor last week that I can now start my normal workouts. Speaking of which, I did leg day today for the first time in who knows how long.  Let me just say that I really think I am going to collapse every time I walk up or down the stairs. But, I still plan on trying to walk each day (weather permitting). My husband and I live about a mile or so down the road from the closest Starbucks.  As you can tell I am pretty coffee crazy, so we have started a routine that if we are wanting coffee then we will pack Nola into her stroller and walk the mile to Starbucks, enjoy our coffee and then walk back. Exercise, coffee and husband/wife time...sounds like a win to me.

Our trip to Starbucks and back.

3. Eliminate all fluids except water:  I know every weight loss article tells you this but it is one of the easiest ways to eliminate calories everyday.  Now everyone who knows me knows that I used to consume more coffee a day than I did water.  Was it the healthiest option?  Probably not. I have tried to increase my water intake and keep my coffee indulgence to once a day (sometimes two...hey I have a newborn!). During my pregnancy I craved orange juice morning, noon and night but one big glass of orange juice can add on 200 calories so I had to eliminate it. Instead of drinking the juice you are craving (grape, apple, orange) try eating the actual fruit instead!

4. Reduce sweets:  Since Nola has been born I have been craving sweets like it's nobody's business.  I really think I have more craving post delivery than I did while pregnant. Not really sure what that is about. I have started to try and keep more healthier options around for when my sweet tooth starts to act up.  The other night I made a box of fat free chocolate pudding with skim milk.  I split the box into different containers for portions and stuck it in the fridge. I plan on making some protein balls made with oatmeal and peanut butter...I will post the recipe if it is a success!

5. Prepare your food: For all those working or going to school you know that not preparing your lunch/dinner can easily lead to deciding on something quick and easy to eat which most of the time leads to you eating something unhealthy. I started preparing my meals for the week.  For instance each morning I have a pretty basic routine for breakfast.  I will cook an egg white omelet with either turkey bacon or a slice of toast with peanut butter (yummy protein). I had to cut out the pancakes and save those for my cheat days. I started preparing my lunches days in advance because I found that is when I would eat the most unhealthy. Nola's routine has her waking up around lunch which means this mama eats whatever is most convenient.  If I don't have a meal already cooked and sitting in the fridge that can be heated up and I typically go for something that is unhealthy because its the easiest to eat quickly.  Below are pictures of a typical lunch that I just heat up in the microwave.  Planning in advance can really save money and calories!

To throw in a little bit of my money saving ways I wanted to break down how much money can be saved by preparing your own meals. Each item below I got on sale either by markdowns and/or with coupons.

Broccoli: .75 cents
Chicken: $4.69 for the package (with 1 chicken breast left over)
Rice: FREE!

Total: $5.44 or $1.36 per meal.  The dollar menu can't even beat that!

Now I will go back to figuring out how I am going to manage to get up these stairs to go to bed with my jello legs...

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